The following nine statements describe Bellevue Neighborhood Church.
These are non-negotiable values and guidelines that our leaders have identified and recognized
that characterize what we treasure most and refuse to compromise
as we carry out our mission to connect people to God and each other: 
Jesus Centered 
Jesus Christ remains our central focus. He is our Savior and Lord. Worshipping, pleasing, and serving him will always be our first priority. Everything we do ultimately returns to keeping Jesus at the center of all we do. (Colossians 1:17-18)
Holy Spirit Empowered
God, the Holy Spirit, is our source of power and ability to fulfill our mission. He fills us, gives us gifts, and enables us to live holy lives of obedience to Jesus. We yearn to experience the Spirit's presence and power whenever we gather and as we disperse. His gifts enable us to better serve one another and share and live the Gospel message wherever we go. (1 Corinthians 12: 3-7) 
Prayer Fueled
Jesus has given us authority to ask anything in his name. We believe a radical commitment to prayer is the key to both seeing needs met in our church community and seeing our city and region reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our prayers move God to act on our behalf. We pray constantly individually and together in faith believing that we will see God do miracles that bring him glory and change lives. (John 14:13-14)
Biblically Grounded
We believe the Bible is God's authoritative message to humankind. It clearly communicates his character, nature, and mission. It is the foundational truth for our lives. Although we believe the Holy Spirit still brings fresh revelation to God's people, we test everything by Scripture. We seek to study, learn, teach, and apply the Bible's message to our community and our generation. (II Timothy 3:16-17) 
Life Transforming 
The Gospel of Jesus brings new life. The mission of our church is to help people experience new life in Jesus. This includes both eternal life and  a changed life now through the freeing work of Holy Spirit enabling them to live the joy filled life Jesus wants for them. (II Corinthians 5:17-20) 
Neighborhood Serving
God placed Bellevue Neighborhood Church in Bellevue, Washington. We commit to loving our city and being a part of sharing the life changing Good News of Jesus in our city living in Christ-like service in a way that will seek the welfare of the individuals around us and our city. (Jeremiah 29:7) 
Globally Impacting
Our mission does not end in our city. We commit to always being a part of the Great Commission, sending and supporting those called to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. We are also grateful to have people from all over the world come to our city and be part of our spiritual family. We commit to live Jesus's mission both locally and globally. (Acts 1:8)
Genuinely Loving
Authentic loving relationships should always characterize Jesus's church. We will love and accept people of all backgrounds and walks of life even as we help one another grow more into Christian maturity and holiness. We will equip and encourage each other to serve one another with the gifts the Holy Spirit gives and the natural talents, abilities, and resources we each receive. We will extend the love we share inside our church, to the world around us, and , above all, to God himself. (Romans 12:9-21)
Community of Faith
We are a church of people from all over the world and all types of backgrounds who love Jesus and each other and are growing together in his image. (Ephesians 4:11-16)