Pleasing God | The Gospel According to John (Part 18) | Tom Stephen
One of the oldest questions humans have grappled with is: How can human beings reconcile with God? In other words, how can humankind please Him and earn His favor?
In our study of John 6, we encounter verse 28, where the crowd asks Jesus the same question. Jesus' response in verse 29 captures the essence of the gospel and our Christian faith. He says, "This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent." It is a profound and unexpected answer. Rather than prescribing a checklist of actions or emphasizing strict adherence to the law, Jesus reveals that the sole work required by God is to have faith in Him, Jesus Christ, sent by God. This message is reiterated throughout the Gospel of John by Jesus and the author John: belief in Jesus Christ is the sole pathway to eternal life.
We will unpack this topic together by studying these two verses from John 6. We will delve into the true significance of believing in Jesus and explore how each of us is called to examine ourselves to ascertain if we are genuine believers in Jesus Christ.
John 6, verses 28 and 29